The Gentleman and the Hare

The Mystery of John Layard’s Unpublished Books

Iain Spence
10 min readNov 26, 2022
Photo by Timotheus Wolf on Unsplash

John Layard was a Jungian analyst who was once analysed by Jung himself. His most popular book, The Lady of the Hare, includes a case study of a woman who had a strange, unsettling dream concerning a hare. The book also contains a guide to the hare in folklore and mythology. It has much appeal to lovers of hares and is also considered to be a hidden treasure within the Jungian community.

We’ll come back to Layard’s hare book in a while, but first, let’s have a look at the man himself. He was born in the late 1800s and later attended King’s College, Cambridge where he developed an interest in anthropology. In 1914 he traveled to a small islet in Malekula with his mentor, W.H. Rivers. The inhabitants weren’t too keen on outsiders, having killed off a previous missionary. However, Layard quickly gained the natives’ trust, even to the point of being allowed to stay for over a year. He lived in the previous missionary’s house.

Layard was one of the first anthropologists to use the technique of participant observation. Up to this time, anthropologists took more of a lofty, arrogant view of ‘primitive’ people. Some of the practices of the Malekulan people were quite alien to Westerners, involving sacrifice and cannibalism. Other aspects of their culture fascinated Layard, such…



Iain Spence

Based in Scotland. Interests in pop culture, mythology and psychology. Profile photo is rather out of date.